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The PCR was started to provide ourselves, friends and family with unique, chemical free, homegrown fruits and vegetables. In 2019 we are growing approximately 90 varieties of fruits and vegetables. Some are tried and true while others are an experiment. Each season we select a few new varieties to try and grow. All of our plants are grown from non-GMO sourced seeds and seedlings. We frequently choose heritage seeds, helping to re-establish old fashioned varieties. 


Each week, we will post the fruits and vegetables that are ready for harvest and be available for sale. We are also beginning a "grown to order" program with nutrient dense micro-greens. There will be additional information as the program comes online. 

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We typically grow four varieties of Tomatillos which are available mid-summer. 

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Champion of England Peas are available twice a year, May and November.

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Butternut and Kabocha squashes are grown along side Tahitian melons and are available mid to late summer. 

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